Spektral Bank commits itself to vocational training

At the start of the new apprenticeship year on 1 August, the young competitive sportsman Ðorðe Zarkovic, from Sevelen (CH), will begin the practical element of his commercial training at Spektral Bank & Co. AG. There are three players working together towards Mr Zarkovic’s training: the 100pro! berufsbildung liechtenstein vocational training initiative,  Football Club Balzers and Spektral Bank.

Ðorðe Zarkovic is the first apprentice to receive training at Spektral Bank. “We are pleased to be able to contribute to providing good vocational training to young people from the region,” says Edi Wögerer, Spektral Bank CEO.

Aims to become a professional footballer

As a talented footballer, Ðorðe Zarkovic attended the United School of Sports in St. Gallen and plays in the first team for FC Balzers. Prior to that, he played in the Under 18s for the Liechtenstein Football Association.

Alongside his sporting activities, he began his commercial apprenticeship school studies (E profile) two years ago, at the United School of Sports. Now – on top of intensive sport – he is undertaking two years of practical work experience at Spektral Bank.

Ðorðe Zarkovic aims to become a professional footballer. “It reflects well on him that he is also pursuing a vocational professional apprenticeship in addition to his sport, so that he has something to fall back on,” Wögerer continued.

Well trained young professionals

After completing their compulsory school years (nine years), the majority of young people in Liechtenstein and Switzerland move into vocational training. The vocational training system (apprenticeship, dual system) is one of Liechtenstein’s economic success factors. Once they have finished their training, these experienced, well-trained young professionals soon find appropriate jobs – or are taken on permanently by the organisations that trained them. The rate of unemployment of young people (15 to 24 years) is correspondingly low in Liechtenstein. In 2015, it was 3.0% (Switzerland: 3.3%; EU: 18.6%).