Spektral Bank continues to rely on SWIFT

On 26 May, Spektral Bank in­formed that it was ex­pand­ing its range of crypto-cur­ren­cies trad­able and safe­keep­able to in­clude the Sta­ble­coin USD Coin (USDC).

Spektral Bank spe­cialises in bank­ing for in­ter­me­di­aries and of­fers a fully in­te­grated of­fer­ing of clas­sic and blockchain bank­ing ser­vices. Spektral Bank builds the bridge be­tween the two worlds for its clients.

Well-es­tab­lished com­mu­ni­ca­tion and pay­ment sys­tems are es­sen­tial for the smooth op­er­a­tion of the Bank. That is why Spektral Bank con­tin­ues to rely on SWIFT as a mat­ter of course. Re­ports and com­ments in so­cial media as well as on on­line por­tals claim­ing oth­er­wise are with­out any basis.