Spektral Bank suspends trading of Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Spektral Bank suspends trading of Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

On Jan­u­ary 31, 2020, Spektral Bank an­nounced that it was ex­pand­ing its range of trad­able and cus­to­dial cryp­tocur­ren­cies to in­clude Bit­coin Cash (BCH). Trad­ing takes place within the fully reg­u­lated frame­work of the Bank’s processes.

The se­cu­rity of our cus­tomers is our top pri­or­ity. Con­sid­er­ing the up­com­ing hard fork of Bit­coin Cash (BCH) on No­vem­ber 15, 2020, Spektral Bank is there­fore sus­pend­ing the trade of Bit­coin Cash (BCH) until the se­cu­rity of the blockchain pro­to­col is guar­an­teed.