Finance Forum Liechtenstein

Spektral Bank supports the forum as a gold partner and will offer its own workshop on “Boost your blockchain business”.

Finance Forum Liechtenstein

As the leading blockchain bank, Spektral Bank applied the same strict standards to blockchain banking as to classic banking from the very beginning. With the Blockchain Act (TVTG) coming into force on January 1, 2020, the same strict rules now apply to everyone. The new regulation creates exciting business opportunities for financial intermediaries, which will be explained in the workshop and illustrated with practical examples. Use cases will also be used to illustrate which tax law aspects need to be taken into account when generating tokens. 

Our Speakers:

  • Stefan Rauti, Head of Blockchain Banking, Spektral Bank
  • Matthias Langer, Partner and Tax Consultant, actus AG
  • Further speakers inquired

As a foretaste of the workshop, you will find our specialist blog article in which Raphael Haldner, Head of Funds an Issues at Spektral Bank provides you with important insights.

The sixth edition of the Finance Forum Liechtenstein will be held in Vaduz on Wednesday, 22 March 2020.

In addition to the former German Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel, you will also be able to listen to Romeo Lacher, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Julius Baer, Sabine Keller-Busse, Chief Operating Officer of UBS and Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister Adrian Hasler.

Do you already have your ticket?

Register here today.